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Warning: Do Not Buy Lipozene Until You Read This

As a way of introduction, let me say my name is Nicole Hodges, and I am a Health and Diet columnist for The Hub Post. I had been searching for quite some time for a weight loss product that would help me lose weight with few if any side effects when I first agreed to participate in this study. The last thing I wanted was a diet that required me to add unnecessary products into my body; I was searching for a natural diet product that included the highest quality and most effective fat burning ingredients. I wasn’t going to take the word of manufacturers or advertisers about the best ingredients for promoting weight loss; I chose instead to spend many hours conducting my own research. When I finished I learned the most common fat burning ingredients included HCA, Grapefruit, EGCG (the active ingredient in green tea) and Apple Cider Vinegar. All the research I located said the same thing: these ingredients were effective for burning fat. Some of the reports I read from universities stated these ingredients had the necessary components to boost energy levels and enhance fat loss. Even some of the celebrity doctors have made comments about the benefits of EGCG for anyone who is trying to lose weight.

All of the staff at The Hub Post were skeptical about the success stories of those who claimed they lost weight using these ingredients. I have personally tried many popular diet products out on the market even the Lipozene diet. We knew the only logical answer to the dilemma was to conduct our own testing to satisfy our own curiosity. The biggest problem I faced was finding a single product that included all of the above ingredients so I didn’t have to buy them separately. It would cost a lot of money to purchase separate products and would mean taking more supplements in my body than I wanted to do.

I spent a good many hours researching before I found Fat Burner by HBN, a product that had just what I wanted: all of the ingredients listed above in one product. It also included some other powerful ingredients that helped promote weight loss. I was excited to find the blend of ingredients in the product were not only safe but very powerful for enhancing weight loss.

The Active Ingredients in Fat Burner By HBN

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Caffeine (equal to approximately a half cup of coffee)
  • HCA
  • Grapefruit
  • EGCG
  • Blend of Antioxidants

The next thing I needed to do was order my own bottle of the Fat Burner by HBN, and in spite of the fact there are so many ads online for other products, the merchandiser of this product is highly praised. Even better than the product itself was the fact I could order it at a discounted rate (I have shared this link below with you). I also chose Slim Optimum because the product is highly concentrated and contains a blend of powerful ingredients that help speed up weight loss.

My Results

Week One

I was amazed to find out how well the diet was working after only one week. I had an increase in my energy level and wasn’t hungry at all—more than likely because of the appetite suppressant qualities in the Slim Optimum. I lost 4 pounds but didn’t become too optimistic since I knew it was possible it was all water weight as is common when starting a new diet. I figured I’d wait and see what happened over the next few weeks.

Week Two

During the second week I still had an abundance of energy and was sleeping better. I no longer tossed and turned during the night because my body wasn’t able to relax—I figured this was probably because of the removal of toxins from my body. I lost another 3 pounds for a total of 7 in just 2 weeks. My skepticism was beginning to take a back seat now.

Week Three

Three weeks after starting the program I no longer have any doubts. I lost another 5 LBS and am now able to fit into my old clothes. My energy is still very high, a point when most people run out of steam with diets. I have better digestion and don’t have to worry about bloating or embarrassing gas after meals.

Week Four

As the fourth week came to a close I had lost a total of 17 pounds. Everyone at The Hub Post wished they had volunteered as test subjects. My results may not be typical, but anyone who follows the program can definitely enhance their weight loss success. Slim Optimum also helps improve the appearance of your skin because of the powerful antioxidants it contains.

Conclusion Even if you feel skeptical about this program as we did at The Hub Post, you will remove all doubts once you try it and see the amazing results. Conducting our own study made us happy to see that people just like me were experiencing high levels of success with this program. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by using a product that is healthy and includes high quality ingredients with no need to accept other offers.

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